SAC Values
Embrace prayer and the Great Commission as priority, seeking first to further the Kingdom of God.
Practice servant-leadership with joy, pursue excellence with passion, and firmly believe in the concept of TEAM-work.
Value each person as unique and important to God, endowed with talents and abilities, by his Creator, useful in building the Church and encouraging the saints.
Equip and empower South Asian youth and young adults to live the Christian life without compromise and to hold the standards presented in the Bible as true and relevant to every area of life.
Connect with churches and organizations both locally and globally thus creating a worldwide, transdenominational network to reach out in ministry and strengthen the body of Christ.
Demonstrate financial integrity and accountability.
Believe in being REAL and relevant to our Generation, unafraid to tackle the complicated issues that they face, and prepared to help them make wise choices in accordance with the Word of God.