About Us
The vision for South Asian Connection and South Asian Global Convention began in prayer.
In July of 2001, God laid a vision in the hearts of various leaders of the South Asian Diaspora for a new and relevant work aimed at the present and next generation of young South Asians.
With this goal in mind, a core group was formed of South Asian ministry leaders and advisory council members from different countries and denominations. These individuals joined their hearts in fervent prayer for God's wisdom and creativity to turn this vision into a reality. And so was born South Asian Connection and the first South Asian Global Convention 2004.
Purpose of South Asian Connection
South Asian Connection exists to inspire, network and challenge South Asian Youth and Young Adults for local and global missions.
Mission of South Asian Connection
'To Serve God's Purposes in Our Generation" by fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 13:36, Luke 10:27, Mathews 28:19
Vision of South Asian Connection
1. CHALLENGE South Asian Youth and Young Adults to embrace the Great Commission
2. CONNECT South Asian churches, ministries and individuals locally and globally into a worldwide transdenominational network
3. COORDINATE the South Asian Global Convention SAGC 2004, SAGC 2007 and beyond.
4. COMMUNICATE ideas, strategies and resources.
International Advisory Council
1. Dr. David Chigurupati, Christian Family Conferences, USA
2. Ram Gidoomal, South Asian Concern, United Kingdom
3. Dr. Mathew Koshy, All Nations Missions Center, Vancouver
4. Pastor Balbir Sheena, Punjabi Masihi Church, Vancouver
5. Rev. Dr. N Suppaya, Indian Christian Network, Singapore
6. Dr. T.V Thomas, North American Council for South Asian Christians (NACSAC)
TEAM South Asian Connection

Pritam Singh Sandhu - Founder/ President. Singapore
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Wilson Mathews - Co-Founder/ Vice President. Vancouver, Canada
Sam Boot - SAGC 2004 Coordinator. London, United Kingdom
Benita Joy - Chief Editor. Atlanta, USA
Kamal Sidhu - Editor. New York, USA
Wanna be involved? Join Us!
The name South Asian Connection was given by the Lord to Surjinder Kaur Bains in 2001 during a season of prayer and fasting at the basement of Delta Church in Surrey, BC Canada.
Surjinder, preferring to be called Sanju is married to Bill Balwinder Singh Sohal. Sanju and her husband run a successful child-care centre called One Two Buckle My Shoe in Cloverdale, BC.
Thank you Sanju for the name South Asian Connection - way way before connection became a buzz word in telecommunications!